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Day 2: Seven Days of Drifty

Day 2: Monday August 1st While everyone else you know is logging into their company email you are sipping coffee watching the sun light up the sandbar island you camped on last night. You didn’t really notice the wind much yesterday but a high pressure system moved in from overnight and gave you a 6 mph headwind on the river. Shit. But you slept great and got an early start on the river so it doesn’t really matter. The sun is out and the birds are chirping. After a really long debate on the best Jack Johnson song you paddle around a large bend in the river and see a few red canoes beached...

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Day 1: Seven Days of Drifty

Day One: Sunday July 31st.  It’s the first day of the actual Drifty! You wake up at 7AM, or maybe 10AM depending on the night before. It’s 86F outside already and you are packing up your stuff and getting ready to leave. You remember from last night that you are supposed to ride your bike towards a river and get into a canoe by the end of the day. You see a person you talked to last night pedaling away so you point to your teammate to follow them. After some pedaling the scenery changes from office buildings to rolling farmland. As you crest another big hill your teammate spots...

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Day 0: Seven Days of Drifty

Filed in: Field Reports Depending on which latitude is crossing through your chair at the moment, the ground below it is probably white, brown, or some unsightly combination of the two. And the mercury in your thermometer is likely experiencing some unfortunate “shrinkage”. What a perfect opportunity to reject reality and substitute it with your own with a flash forward field report-style telling of the Drifty.  Our 8th hosting of the Drifty, codename “The Ocho”, is being held in late July this year. We asked our intern to crunch the numbers on the perfect week in Wisconsin for...

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Juicy Shirts on Lost Threadless

More variety, Lower prices, Slower shipping For too long we have spent our days wefting and weaving to keep you all clothed. Jerry on the screen printer. Nick doing his best to keep his baby out of the ink. No more. We’ve outsourced it to some pros. The benefit to you all is Lost shirts will now be cheaper and we’ll be pumping out more designs in the future. The gang’s all here; each design can go on one of a billion shirt colors. Get Lost // Stay Drifty on Threadless juicy.

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Fall Meetup – Nov 13

November is coming. Or, as we like to put it… the doldrums of the adventure season. Help us snap out of it in Chicago at our Fall meetup. We’ll be screening adventure films, there will be a campfire in the city, and we’ll be announcing a new pioneer trip. Register here – $35 per person Don’t forget: Lost Curious? This is a great time to come see what we’re all about. You don’t need to have done a trip to attend. There will be Lost veterans hanging out and we’ll be talking about all 2022 trips. Can’t wait to see you...

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