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A Drifty in the Everglades

Some called it Type 2 Fun. Others said the word “fun” had no place in the description of this adventure. All we know is that long stretches of the Drifty Everglades were miserable. Teams struggled across open water and ultra-flat roads under the uneasy gaze of crocodiles and vultures. We heard as many curse words as we heard laughs. All of the Pioneers finished; most came in at dusk. Photo by Mr. Andrew T, capturing what was the ONLY night that didn’t involve thunderstorms or tornado warnings. When the chaos came to a close (but before their bums could recover from...

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Best Worst Travel Experiences of 2019

2020 is going to be a year of flat tires, wrong turns, and getting out over our ski tips. At least, if we at Lost Travel have anything say about it. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves just yet though. We asked the Lost community to look through the rear view mirror. “Tell us a travel story,” we said, “that isn’t about sunshine and rainbows.” “Sure” they responded, with the halfhearted enthusiasm that we’ve grown to love about them. Without further adieu, we present you with the Best Worst Travel Experiences of the year gone by. 1) First / Worst Cruise My fiancé and...

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A Lost Cause

It will come as no surprise to you that we at Lost Travel Company are not big fans of how much time we all spend online. The internet is like quicksand for the mind and the devices which deliver it to us have grown to be our closest frenemies. In a shot across the bow of adventure, the Global Web Index published research which found the average American spends 6 hours and 31 minutes on the internet every day. That statistic will keep increasing until the distinction of what is and is not “on the internet” becomes so blurry that we can no longer compute a...

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300 Miles on Drifty No. 3

Well, shucks. We’re going to have to throw out all of our Driftless “250” signs. On the 3rd edition, teams got their miles worth by pedaling and paddling for more than 300 miles. This is exactly the sort of effort that makes us blush. What started as a double-dog-dare to get teams to struggle their way to Beer’s Hometown in Potosi, WI, resulted in a rather respectable ramble through southern Wisconsin. Chief of the Lost Trumpet Corps, rallying the troops. This September’s Drifty was held exactly one year after the inaugural trip of Lost Travel and it turned out to...

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Driftless 250 in Review

Team More Bars, Less Hills “The Driftless 250 is a perfect cocktail of adventure, endurance, local flavor, and a whole love of Wisconsin.” The second edition of the Driftless 250 was an adventure of the most royal proportions. Attendees came in from five different states to take on the Drifty and they brought with them varying degrees of preparedness. One hadn’t biked more than 12 miles in a day; one hadn’t been on a bike in 10 years. We had a brother-sister pair, our first all female team, and our first solo participant. True to form, Wisconsin...

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Drifty, Two Ways

Now that we have two Drifty’s under our belt we’ve started to compare them, like every good parent. We know they’re not created equal but we love them both the same. The Driftless 250 is a complex dish. Sure, both Drifty’s have some peddling, paddling, and camping but the adventure is a bit more than that. To start, the weather in Wisconsin is about as predictable as a three year old with a wiffle ball bat. The 2nd Edition covered lows of 34 degrees, highs of 80 degrees, sun, wind, and hail. The Driftless region also benefits from the wonderful seasonality of the Midwest....

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