Vacation For Singles in their 30s: How to Do It?

Henna G.
July 17, 2024
5 min read
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Warning: your 30s are calling, and they're not asking for a gentle hello. They're screaming for a wake-up call, a kick in the pants, and a solo vacation that's all about you.

Tired of swiping left on your love life? Sick of adulting and ready to rebel? Well, why not go on a trip to get to know yourself better?

Solo traveling can be a real mixed bag. On one hand, you get to call the shots, explore at your own pace, and enjoy the blissful silence of not having to share a room with a snorer. On the other hand, there's the constant fear of being targeted by a serial killer and the very real possibility of feeling like you're the only single person in a sea of couples. 

But hey, that's all part of the fun, right? I've learned that the best experiences often lie just beyond the edge of your comfort zone. And if you're willing to take the leap and embrace the unknown, then you’re in it for a wild ride.

As someone who's always up for trying new things (as long as it doesn't break the bank or put me in harm's way), I've learned that solo traveling can be a liberating and empowering experience; if you approach it with the right mindset.

If you're a fellow solo traveler looking for cool ideas, you’re in the right place. Let’s break down some tips on how to wing your first vacation for singles in their 30s.

Lost in Sicily

1. Choose the Right Destination

In your decades of existence on earth, you've probably visited the most clichéd destinations, tasted the same food (over and over), taken the same pictures, and followed all the crappy trends. But fitting a square peg into a round hole never works out perfectly. 

Have you ever asked yourself if what you're doing is really what you want to be doing? Is this destination truly where you want to go, or are you just tagging along with the crowd? You have different tastes and desires - so why not explore them? Why not shake things up and explore off-the-beaten-path destinations?

Your 30s are the perfect time to ditch the tourist traps and embrace the unknown! Imagine cruising through Sicily on a Vespa or biking through the mountains of South Dakota and milking cows.

With modern navigation tools, getting lost is a thing of the past (unless you're really trying to, in which case, go for it!). The world is your playground, and now's the time to explore it on your own terms.

2. Don't Be Afraid to Meet New People

Okay, I get it. You really want to do that vacation for singles in their 30s bucket list-of-some-sort. But that doesn't mean you have to be alone all the time! Consider joining group adventure trips like those organized by Lost Travel. There, you'll meet other travelers who might become your friends, as well as locals who can show you the ropes. 

What's great about Lost is that they offer you the freedom to choose your own route to your destination. Want to stay in a hostel? Sure. Crash a local party? Easy. Pitch a tent in the woods? You got it. And along the way, you'll meet new people that'll make your trip unforgettable!

Always smile - it's the best icebreaker. You’d be surprised how many people are eager to share their stories and recommendations. Locals can tell you about the region's off-beat places that are worth a visit, and you might even stumble upon hidden gems that you wouldn't have found otherwise.

Lost in Vietnam

3. Take Risks and Try New Things

As a 4'11'' Asian girl, I look younger than my age. So I've gotten my fair share of judgmental looks from people who think I'm too young to be doing certain things. I remember walking into a bar in Mexico and getting a few raised eyebrows from the bartender. "How old are you?" he asked, eyeing me skeptically. I smiled and said, "Old enough to order a tequila, thank you very much!" He chuckled and handed me a shot, and I proved to him that I could handle it.

But it's not just about proving a point – it's about embracing new experiences and taking risks. When you're traveling solo, you have the freedom to do whatever you want, whenever you want. Make the most of it. Take risks and try new things.

Don't be afraid to order that weird dish at the local restaurant, or try that adventurous activity that you've always wanted to do. Whether it pops or flops, at least, you'll have some good stories to share with the next person you’re going to date. And remember, age is just a number – don't let anyone tell you that you're too young (or too old) to do something!

4. Be Kind to Yourself

Don't be too hard on yourself if you don't have an Instagram-worthy moment to share every day. So what if you look like a mess from not taking a shower yesterday? Always ask yourself: did you have fun? That's all that matters.

Solo adventures can be a wild ride, but don't let the chaos get the best of you. Remember, it's okay to not have your sh*t together all the time. So, take a deep breath and embrace the madness.

If you need a time-out from the craziness, grab a coffee (or a margarita), put on your comfiest travel pants, and just relax. If all else fails, just remember: you're on vacation. Nobody’s gonna judge you. Or maybe someone will, but who cares? Go ahead, be a little reckless, and live your best life.

5. Document Your Journey (But Don't Overdo It)

Don't get so caught up in capturing the perfect shot that you forget to live your best life. Documenting your adventures is cool and all, but don't let it consume you. Remember, the goal is to experience new things!

Take photos, write a journal, or vlog your adventures - whatever you want! But don't be that person who's so busy documenting every moment that they forget to enjoy it. For the love of all things good, don't overpost! We know you're having the time of your life, but we don't need to see 100 photos of the same beach. 🙂

Lost in Sicily

Grab Your 30s by the Horns and Travel Solo

Forget about waiting for someone to join you. The most badass travel buddy you can have is your own fearless self. Embrace the misadventures, eat questionable street food, and take detours. Life’s too short to always be on the safe side.

Pack light but bring a heavy dose of guts. Your own version of vacation for singles in their 30s can either be something you’d brag about or cringe over—but definitely won’t forget!


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