The Lil' Drifty Wisconsin

Aug 7
Aug 10, 2025

Where’s the fun in being told exactly what to do!? We’ve arranged the hard stuff & coordinated some fun stuff, the rest is up to you. Map out a route or wing it. We don’t care.


Lil Drifty

The Driftless area of Wisconsin is legendary. Legend has it the Laurentide ice sheet was crushing on it so hard it decided to spare it from its destruction.

In addition to its steep and rugged landscape, it has the largest concentration of cold water streams in the world as well as an endless supply of rolling wooded hills. Oh and perhaps you’ve heard of the Wisconsin River, the longest free-flowing stretch of river in the Midwest. It’s chock full of islands and sandbars.

You’ll begin and end just a few miles from the Dane County Regional airport (MSN). After you bike to the river on Day 1 we’ll take your bike and throw a canoe at you. Once you paddle your way to Peck’s Landing (21 miles) we’ll swap again and you’ll head back to the start (about 50 miles) on Day 2.  We take care of all the boring logistic stuff.

the rules

A couple of important bits for ya:

It’s ok if you don’t have your own stuff.  All the usual equipment rentals are available right at the Lodge. Cash and card accepted.
Speaking of the the Lodge, it also has a kitchen with burgers and snacks available for purchase. They also have their own tables and chairs!
If it’s not already clear, this is a pay-your-own way event so transportation and lodging are on you.
We can’t control the weather. While we certainly hope conditions are favorable (and we’ll be there as long as they let us on the chairlift) there is a chance it could be shitty.
Because downhill skiing and snowboarding is inherently dangerous, we will have liability waivers to sign when we check you in.
Turns out renting an entire mountain is kind of expensive but PizzaPack helps us make it less expensive for you. Give em a gander.

A couple boring requirements

International Drivers Permit: You’ll need this. They cost like $15 at AAA.
Motorcycle License: These vehicles are classed as a 125 cc motorbike – So, your International Drivers Permit must be stamped with the license or accreditation that allows you to drive a 125cc or 11kw power in the State that you live in.
Your own travel insurance is required, we often recommend through World Nomads – Get the addition for riding motor bikes.
Helmets – A helmet is required. Your can bring your own or wear one of ours.


What’s included?

How do you put a price on the great outdoors, adventure, and life long memories!? Turns out, it’s not that difficult or expensive. For your hard earned bucks you’ll get the adventure of a lifetime and some incredible stories.

  • An awesome start + finish line party (food + drinks included)
  • Life long memories with friends of your choosing
  • A sea-worthy canoe for your whole team
  • A treasure map for you and your friends to decipher.
  • Transportation and secure storage for your bike while you’re drifting down the river
  • Shiny piece of metal to commemorate it all
  • A custom tracking app with offline tracking functionality so your friends and family know where you are even when you’re hopelessly lost
  • Stories your coworkers will drool over

The Driftless 250 is what I imagine going through the laundry is like. You get kind of dirty, then get sort of wet, then you kind of get the shit kicked out of you for a little bit but at the end you have this really warm and fuzzy feeling and you want to do it again.

Walker R.

The Drifty


Find answers to common questions about our events.
How should I pack?

Two panniers are standard and should be sufficient. Bring a slingshot and a pair of fresh underwear, just in case. We'd recommend a tent since that's the most versatile, but hammocks are doable if you want to pack light. Make sure to bring all of your own biking safety gear: helmet, gloves, etc. The kayak/canoe rental comes with life vests, paddles, etc.

On land, you'll have access to bathrooms wherever you go. When you're on the river, the only option is to dig a hole and poop in it, so we recommend bringing a cat trowel. Also, bring a spare tube for your bike tire along with anything you'd need for bike maintenance. We'll have a mobile bike shop at the kickoff, but once you leave the start line, everything is on you, Drifty style.

What meals do I need to plan for?

Kickoff night and Sunday afternoon meals are on us! In between, you’re on your own. There are ample grocery stores and restaurants along the biking route (no matter which way you go!) so we don't think you need to bring a ton of food to start. Many people will stop at the grocery store before getting on the canoes. This is a good time to stock up on water, drinks, food, etc. At the transition to canoes we'll have some fire wood you can take with you so you can have a camp fire.

What do I do with my car for the week?

Our best advice is to not bring a car with you. The best car is no car. Ideally, get yourself dropped off at the kickoff camp and have someone meet you at Drifty Fest. We'll even toss them a free beer. If that's not possible, there is paid, secure parking at the Dane County airport. The covered ramp costs $10/day, the surface lot is $8/day, and the economy lot is $6/day. Pro tip: The finish line is only 2 miles from the airport. Alternatively, there's free surface parking at the Dutch Mill Park & Ride, which is 10 miles to the start line and 6.5 miles to the finish line.

Do you have any tips?

Wave at everybody—it's a Wisconsin thing. Avoid Highway 18. Try Spotted Cow—if you haven’t done it, do it. Tie your canoe to something. It's an adventure, get drifty with it.

Are there any rules?

No camping on the shoreline unless you're in a campground. Islands and sandbars are okay! No glass containers. No fireworks. Fun—have it.

Can you tell me more about the route?

The route will take you through the awesome Driftless Region on Wisconsin. See itinerary.

What if I sign up alone?

No worries. Your future best friends already signed up for this trip. Our kickoff festivities are all about building camaraderie so you won’t have to ride solo.

What can I do with my extra luggage?

You can shove it in the Lost Wagon at the start line and have access to it most evenings at our accommodation stop.

Do I need a bike or a kayak/canoe?

A kayak and canoe are included in your registration. We recommend bringing your own bike. However if this isn’t an option, we will set you up with rental options.

Still have questions?
Contact our team for further assistance.

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