The Driftless 250 Is Near

Jake G.
August 15, 2018
5 min read

It’s happening!

One month from today, at this very moment, a brave group of adventurers will be waking up on some isolated sand bar in the middle of the Wisconsin River. They will rub the sand from their eyes and as they drink their morning rum from a coffee mug, they’ll have forgotten all about work emails, politics, bills, and the whole range of technological encumbrances that block us from living in the moment. That is, until they find out that there are no toilets on uninhabited islands.

There’s still time to get in on this blissful event; because registration closes on the 20th. Stop procrastinating like you did on your middle school geography homework. Also… work can wait.

You’re right, Let’s do this

We are beyond excited for The Driftless 250! This trip has been a dream of ours since we sketched it onto a piece of paper back in 2016. A huge thank you goes out to those of you that have signed up or supported us in making this happen. We’re expecting anywhere from 2-4 teams to set off on the morning of September 9th. That’s pretty much the perfect number for this first edition. The adventure starts next week when each of these team members receives a hunk of cedar in the mail with a set of GPS coordinates scratched into it.

July was a busy one for us. Aside from (re)learning how to use a wood burner, we’ve been busy with fliers, logo designs, lining up venues, organizing vessels and vehicles, and endlessly searching for a tandem bike because dammit, if two pioneers drunkenly ask for a tandem bike, you find them a tandem bike. The next few days will be spent rounding up a few stragglers (you know who you are) to round out our pioneer crew.

Pioneers are those who venture into uncharted territory, on an event that has never been done before, and with little to no direction. It takes a special kind of individual to have that sort of curiosity/confidence/blindspot and we salute you.

All Pioneers will hold not only a special place in our hearts but a ticket to a world of adventure. This includes things like: the passcode to our speakeasy, deep event discounts, a seat on our skunkworks team, early event access, mountains of gratitude, and more. All of that is true and yes, this list is an attempt to nudge you to sign up if you’re on the fence. You won’t regret it.


Lastly, we owe a well-deserved shout out to Ryan and the team at Wisconsin Canoe Co. They’re providing the river expertise and seaworthy vessels that’ll be used during the middle leg of this journey. We’ve asked Ryan to give us the oldest and most porous canoes in stock but unfortunately he’s keeps his ships in shape. He really does run the best canoe company ever.

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Again, thank you all for your support. We’re incredibly excited to get this off the ground and we hope you are too.

Pioneers, keep an eye on your (physical) mail box.


Jake and Larissa


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