Supporting The River Alliance Of Wisconsin

Jake G.
October 14, 2018
5 min read

We are super excited to announce that we’re supporting the River Alliance of Wisconsin with proceeds from The Driftless 250!

They’ve recognized the awesomeness that is the Wisconsin River and have been working for over 25 years to keep it wild and healthy for both humans and wildlife alike. Their work extends across the state where they’re removing dams, combating invasive species, and preventing pollution from spoiling everything. Read all about the history and some of their major initiatives on, “What Would the Water Say?

Speaking of wildlife, they just finished a Fish Passage Project where they’re helping the prehistoric sturgeon (big fish, 300 lbs, 9 feet long, lives for 100 years+) spawn up river. With their help, this wicked looking fish will be around millenia from now to haunt canoe-goers. This sketch video explains it all!


We’re making it easy to help out. All you need to do is sign up for the Drifty. By partaking in this stupendous adventure you are automatically supporting the River Alliance of Wisconsin… a portion of the entry fee goes directly to their coffers. This means that you’re getting to experience their handiwork up close and in person, while preserving the area for future generations. Participants can also donate above and beyond the entry fee at time of checkout.


Learn more about the River Alliance of Wisconsin by checking out some of their events, staying in touch on their Facebook page, or emailing them at


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