It's Time To Take Your Show On The Road

Jake G.
February 2, 2021
5 min read
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Ever done a spin class? We tried it once because we’re always down for a good time and, well, it turns out our friend is a liar.

If Spin is new to you: It’s riding a bicycle with an angry person yelling at you as you wipe your pal’s butt sweat out of your eyes.

The worst part? No it’s not the fact that you put in all of that work and still end up in the exact same spot. No; it’s not the useless little weights. The worst part is that you never once have to worry about dodging road kill and potholes. What good is a bike ride if you don’t have the opportunity to pop a wheelie?

Call us old fashioned but if we’re going to pedal until we puke, we prefer to do it while being chased by a stray dog. Now, there’s no shame in being a Spin lover. If your quarantine pastime has been Peloton’ing your anxiety away that’s cool by us.

It does make us wonder though, what’re you training for?

It’s time to take your show on the road. Asheville, to Nashville, this June.

Ready for a good peddlin’?


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