Day 6: Seven Days Of Drifty

Walker R.
February 18, 2022
5 min read


It’s Day Six of the Drifty and that means you are now a seasoned long-distance bike operator. By now you know how to change a flat tire, fix a broken chain, and even what a derailleur is.

Another full day of biking today. Really another chance to explore Wisconsin and get yourself into some interesting situations. You are continuing to ride East, working your way towards the Madison area but the route is completely up to you.

Some teams will be biking towards Richland Center on north route, towards Dodgeville on the river route, or towards Monroe on the south route. If you are following along on Wayward you’ll see the paths everyone took.

Today is Drifty at it’s finest: take in the local folk, drink up the local fare. There’s plenty of each to go around. People are going to be fascinated by what you’re doing and will want to hear all the details.

Bonus: try to find the most ridiculous item at a garage sale or flea market that you can buy for your teammate and require them to attach it to their bicycle somehow. And get a picture!


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