Ashtonash Pioneer Unroute

Jake G.
April 25, 2021
5 min read
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Pedaling a unicycle up a mountain is hard enough already. So, we did something nice for a change.

No, we’re not getting soft. We just thought a suggested route would be useful. And… it’ll make it easier for the Lost photographer to get a photo of you changing your flat tire.


Pioneers will receive a copy of this, on non-waterproof paper of course, at the kickoff party.

If you want to download the map as a full-fledged PDF you can do that right here.

Get the map

Last but not least, we did you a solid and published this on RidewithGPS.


This is a pioneer trip so there’s no telling how this will turn out. But if you’re new to unscripted adventure, this here unroute is a really good place to start. We expect most folks will use this as a baseline for their meanderings. Most of the towns listed have a plethora of places to stay and camp.

If you prefer the Shackleton approach to adventure, then by all means ignore this and chart your own course.

Don’t have your spot yet? Time’s running short to pioneer this adventure.

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