3rd Birthday = 3 day Lostapalooza

Walker R.
June 24, 2021
5 min read
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Making it to our 3rd birthday is a big feat. We survived the pandemic (thanks to your help) and with luck, we might get ourselves out of these diapers before our 4th birthday.

If you’ve been hanging around us for a while you know that we don’t do sales. They feel too… sales-y. No Black Friday… no, Prime day… no “happy new year, new you, here’s 80% off.”

But… We make an exception once per year because it’s our birthday and we can do whatever the f we want.

For the next three days, get 20% off everything we sell: Lost Trips, Lost Gear, Membership, and even the awesome uncharted gear. (Yes, the slingshot is also 20% off)

AshtoNash – 20% off
20% off All Lost Swag

We’re breaking this celebration into 3 days of awesomeness. Here’s a sneak peak into what we’ll be announcing!


We’re 6 editions into the Drifty so it’s about time we learned a thing or two. Behold, a slick new overview map of the Drifty unroute.

We’ve written up a comprehensive guide of all things Drifty. If you’ve got any questions whatsoever… check out the brand new Drifty Guide.

Comprehensive Drifty Guide


We’re launching some killer new swags for your unscripted summer. The Lost Summer shirt is a limited time print job… we’re accepting orders during Lostapalooza and doing one print one. Get yours while they’re available!

Lost Cycle Cap


Lost Mascot Shirt



It was incredible and the Pioneers did a lot of learning on your behalf. Read the full field report for photos and more. Our favorite comparison was… “It’s like RAGBRAI, but with a mountain.”


  1. A New Route / Treasure Map for you to consider or ignore. The pioneers went first and learned a lot. We’re going to incorporate that into a Drifty-style adventure map for y’all.
  2. There will be a gear truck (aka The Lost Wagon) available every night if you need it. It will follow a pre-designated route and times so you know where to meet it if you want to. The rules will be: If it’s parked, you can access it.
  3. Two mid-trip meet-ups. One will be a surprise and one will be pre-determined. This helps build the camaraderie and let’s you all share flat tire stories.
  4. Live music and great food and great drinks at the start line in Asheville, NC. It’s a real party folks. You’re basically getting a concert and a meal with free drinks.
  5. Live music and great food and great drinks at the finish line… This time in Nashville, TN. We’re also going to move the finish to earlier in the day (~2pm) so you have time to go out on the town.
  6. A Pre and Post event Shuttle. The morning of the kickoff party (Saturday morning) we’ll offer an optional shuttle for you and your bike from Nashville to Asheville. We will also offer an optional shuttle the morning after the finish (Sunday morning) to get you from Nashville to Asheville.

The official route will be published in the coming weeks after we consolidate feedback from our Pioneers.

Sincerely, thank you all for sticking with us over the past 3 years. We wouldn’t exist without your support. Let’s continue to reshape the way people travel and have a boatload of fun doing it.


Jake, Larissa, Nick, Keegan, Walker, Danny, Jerry & everybody at Lost HQ


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